Redeemer Lutheran Church
On December 2, 1962, Redeemer Lutheran Church began as a humble mission church called the North Las Vegas Lutheran Mission. The first worship service occurred at the Moose Hall in North Las Vegas with fifty-eight people in attendance. Pastor Fry conducted worship and continued to lead the congregation for the next five years. During those busy years, the Redeemer grew and saw many firsts. A parsonage was dedicated, the first weekly Lenten Services were held, the weekday school was started, and our first secretary was hired.
Pastor Blau arrived in February 1967 and served as the congregation’s spiritual leader for the next eight years. During those eight years, the church grew and flourished. Two worship services were implemented, pews installed in the sanctuary, additional property was purchased, a Christian nursery to care for preschool children of working parents in our community was created, and a new educational wing was built. Redeemer became a self-supporting church, no longer relying on the Synod for support. In August 1975, Pastor Blau accepted a call to an LCMS church in Phoenix, Arizona.
In March of 1976, Pastor John Jastor accepted the call to Redeemer Lutheran Church. Pastor Jastor was instrumental in realizing the congregational dream of a secondary Lutheran educational facility. Faith Christian Jr-Sr High School, now known as Faith Lutheran Middle School and High School, is the largest secondary education campus in the LCMS. In 1981 the congregation purchased an Allen organ for the sanctuary by selling keys as a fundraiser. During this time the congregation also raised $50,000 towards building an elementary school. In November of 1983, Pastor Jastor accepted a call to Grace Lutheran Church in Los Angeles, Ca. Vacancy pastors and church elders led Redeemer’s congregation until Pastor Ralph Buckhorn accepted our call.
Pastor Buckhorn’s installation was on October 6, 1985. Several elementary school teachers accepted calls and in 1987, Redeemer offered kindergarten through sixth-grade classes. A groundbreaking ceremony in 1987 led to a new school facility being built and then dedicated as Redeemer Lutheran Elementary School in January 1988. Redeemer’s first vicar, Lonnie Gonzalez, was instrumental in revitalizing youth ministry in 1997. Redeemer’s second vicar, Vicar Rod McPherson came to Redeemer in 1999 from the Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. In 1999, Pastor Buckhorn received and accepted a call to serve an LCMS congregation in California. Following Vicar Rod McPherson’s vicarage, he returned to finish his education at the seminary.
In 2001, Reverend Rod McPherson was ordained at Redeemer Lutheran Church and installed as shepherd to the congregation. Pastor Rod McPherson retired from the ministry in August 2019. For nearly two decades, God truly blessed us with Pastor McPherson’s presence at Redeemer Lutheran Church. During his tenure, the Redeemer Lutheran church returned to traditional worship with adult bible studies and prayer groups. Pastor Rod retired from pastoral duties in September 2019.
Pastor Steve Cluver joined Redeemer as our shepherd in September 2019. During the early 2000s, Pastor Steve was instrumental in developing the Lutheran Mission Society in Las Vegas. Redeemer members look forward to partnering with the mission society in a new adventure. Pastor is currently conducting services on Sundays including a bible study series after each service, and is offering private communion during these pandemic times. We would love to have you join us. In February of 2023, the Church Begain Live Streaming Services For all those who are not able to attend.
Statement of Belief on Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Marriage